20 research outputs found

    Analisis Kestabilan Transien pada Project Pelabuhan Kontainer Pakistan : Transient Stability Analysis in Pakistan Deep Water Container Port

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    Power system will operate in a stable condition if there is a balance between the power of mechanical prime mover and electric power output. Each increment or decrease the load must be followed with changes mechanical prime mover generator power. If it does not immediately adjust then would make the system become unstable or loss of synchronization. Project of Pakistan Deep Water Container Port, which provided the plant duty these days, transient stability must to be studied to determine system realibility during tansient disturbance. This final project is focused on transient stability include frequency response, the angle of the rotor, and voltage. Load shedding mechanism is performed by considering short circuit, motor starting, and the generator shedding phenomenon. Some of our results are not intuitiv

    Modifikasi Metode Trajectory Kritis Untuk Analisis Kestabilan Transien Pada Sistem Smart Grid

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    Untuk menjaga agar sistem jaringan listrik lebih stabil ketika terjadi gangguan, maka dibutuhkan analisa kestabilan transien untuk mendapatkan waktu pemutusan kritis dalam pemutusan gangguan atau dikenal dengan Critical Clearing Time (CCT). Pada penelitian ini diusulkan untuk menggunakan perhitungan CCT metode trajectory kritis dengan cara memodifikasi algoritma untuk mencari keadaan kehilangan sinkronisasi. Metode ini dihitung dari titik awal terjadinya gangguan hingga titik kehilangan singkronisasi. Sistem Smart Grid merupakan jaringan sistem tenaga yang dapat dilengkapi dengan teknik dinamik optimasi dan pengukuran secara langsung untuk menjaga kualitas daya dengan mengurangi kerugian dalam saluran, meningkatkan kehandalan sistem, dan meningkatkan aset manajemen. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi pada beberapa sistem, metode yang diusulkan lebih akurat dan lebih cepat dibandin gkan dengan metode konvensional, simulation method. ================================================================= To keep the power system stability during the fault, transient stability analysis is required to obtain critical disconnection time, or known as critical clearing time (CCT). In this paper, a critical trajectory method is modified to look for loss of synchronization condition. This method is calculated from the starting point of the fault to the point of loss of the synchronization. The Smart Grid system is a power system network that can be equipped with dynamic optimization and measurement techniques directly to maintain power quality by reducing losses in the channel, improving system reliability, and to improve asset management. Based on the simulation results on some systems, the proposed method is more accurate and faster than the conventional method, simulation method

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Material Inti Terhadap Arus Penyalaan Awal pada Transformator

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    Transformator memiliki peranan penting yang ditemukan dan dipergunakan secara luas dalam sistem tenaga listrik.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek dari perbedaan inti transformator terhadap kapasitas transformator dengan menggunakan fenomena inrush current. Pada penelitian ini, transformator tiga fasa dengan tipe inti yang berbeda disimulasikan pada perangkat lunak ATPDraw. Hasil perbandingan inrush current yang didapatkan bahwa jenis material inti M5 merupakan material terburuk bila dibandingkan dengan jenis material inti pada kapasitas transformator yang berbeda   Kata Kunci: Arus Inrush, ATP Draw, Transformator 3 Fas

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan melalui Penerapan ICT di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Penggunaan sistem informasi dan teknologi yang cepat dirasa cukup penting dalam membantu proses belajar mengajar. Oleh sebab itu, diusulkan penggunaan platform E-Learning untuk membantu guru. Fitur yang diajarkan diarahkan untuk dapat melakukan pemberian materi, tugas, ujian, kuisioner, dan organisasi kegiatan. Para pengajar dilatih mengimplementasikan aplikasi online, seperti google drive, google form, untuk mendukung kegiatan bahan ajar, dengan sasaran guru guru SMA Tuban, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Peserta merasa terbantu dengan sistem ini dan berencana mengaplikasikan kedalam proses pengajaran. Dari hasil training, para peserta merasa antusias terhadap pelatihan ini, dimana mereka mampu membuat, dan mempraktekkan fitur fitur yang ada di Google untuk membantu pekerjaan mereka. Dari hasil kuisioner tingkat kepuasan, sebanyak 15 dari 17 orang peserta pelatihan merasa terbantu dengan adanya pelatihan ini. Kemudian sebanyak 14 orang peserta juga merasa hasil pelatihan Information and Communication Technology yang diikuti relevan dengan permasalahan dan dapat dijadikan alternatif solusi yang membantu guru dalam proses kegiatan belajar. Peningkatan pemahaman juga dialami oleh peserta workshop sebelum dan setelah bergabung dengan kegiatan sosialisasi. dalam proses pembelajaran, merujuk pada data tingkat pemahaman yang diambil sebelum dan setelah pelatihan

    Modified Deep Pattern Classifier on Indonesian Traditional Dance Spatio-Temporal Data

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    Traditional dances, like those of Indonesia, have complex and unique patterns requiring accurate cultural preservation and documentation classification. However, traditional dance classification methods often rely on manual analysis and subjective judgment, which leads to inconsistencies and limitations. This research explores a modified deep pattern classifier of traditional dance movements in videos, including Gambyong, Remo, and Topeng, using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Evaluation model's performance using a testing spatio-temporal dataset in Indonesian traditional dance videos is performed. The videos are processed through frame-level segmentation, enabling the CNN to capture nuances in posture, footwork, and facial expressions exhibited by dancers. Then, the obtained confusion matrix enables the calculation of performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and F1-score. The results showcase a high accuracy of 97.5%, indicating the reliable classification of the dataset. Furthermore, future research directions are suggested, including investigating advanced CNN architectures, incorporating temporal information through recurrent neural networks, exploring transfer learning techniques, and integrating user feedback for iterative refinement of the model. The proposed method has the potential to advance dance analysis and find applications in dance education, choreography, and cultural preservation


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    Analisa kestabilan transien berperan penting untuk keamanan dan keandalan operasi sistem tenaga listrik. Pada dasarnya analisa dilakukan melalui simulasi numerik yang mana integrasi numerik menyelesaikan integrasi langkah demi langkah dari nilai awal untuk mendapatkan dinamika respon gangguan. metoda trajektori kritis (critical trajectory) berbasis pada perhitungan trajektori kritis yang didefinisikan sebagai trajektori yang bermula dari titik pada trajektori saat gangguan di CCT dan mencapai titik akhir yaitu sebuah kondisi hilangnya sinkronisasi atau losing synchronism. Untuk menguji kefektifan metode yang digunakan, dilakukan simulasi pada sistem 3 generator dan 9 bus. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan metode ini mampu memberikan hasil akurat dengan ditunjukkan pada hasil cct sama dengan metode yang sudah diakui keakuratannya yaitu Time Domain Simulatio


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    Abstract Nowadays, as the gain of the global manufacturing technology, particularly at the industrial revolution 4.0, commonly it has also been increasing the amount of the waste products which directly impact and contaminate to the water quality. Hence, the water monitoring is required to maintain water’s quality whether it is safe or not, moreover at the local water supply utility (PDAM) which generally consumed by residents. Water quality monitoring becomes a vital issue and main concerns in these current days because the numbers of water resources are limited, whereas the total citizens in Indonesia are continuously increasing. Therefore, this study presents a review analysis about the design of water quality monitoring using the Internet of Things (IoT), which includes the key parameters selection at the water quality, proper sensors selection, and also IoT's platforms selection. Water quality monitoring will be acquired at several points in Surabaya using sensor array contain many sensors such as temperature sensors, turbidity sensors, conductivity sensors, and oxygen gas sensors. Then, data acquired from sensors are transmitted to the microcontroller which has the IoT module. Hence, information access from central to the user can be monitored, downloaded, or controlled everywhere and anywhere.&nbsp


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    Electric cars are currently being developed by many people because of low pollution and many countries used them in their daily activity. One of the important and main component is a battery, especially the Battery Management System (BMS) which can optimize the implementation of electric cars. BMS can protect and maintain the battery performance efficiently and at the same time can be a fault detection. Basically, It has three important parameters, there are current, voltage, and temperature that must be maintained and there is no overcurrent, overcharging, and discharging for too long because it can cause a fire. The protection of the BMS on electric cars need battery testing and done by taking current and voltage data, which prioritizes discharging and overdischarging test with a capacity of 2,2 Ah or a maximum capacity of 4,2 Volt. This research optimizes the work of BMS when experiencing faults/errors in order to work properly. The battery is modelled with a simple battery model (Rint) which previously identified parameters and formed a state space that aims to make fault detection. The results showed that fault detection using the Kalman Filter algorithm is very efficient and reliable in improving readings of overcurrent and overdischarge data so as to maintain security and extend/lifetime battery so that it can be implemented safely by the publi

    Classification Method in Fault Diagnosis of Oil-Immersed Power Transformers by Considering Dissolved Gas Analysis

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    Fault detection in the incipient stage is necessary to avoid hazardous operating conditions and reduce outage rates in transformers. Fault-detected dissolved gas analysis is widely used to detect incipient faults in oil-immersed transformers. This paper proposes fault diagnosis transformers using an artificial neural network based on classification techniques. Data on the condition of transformer oil is assessed for dissolved gas analysis to measure the dissolved gas concentration in the transformer oil. This type of disturbance can affect the gas concentration in the transformer oil. Fault diagnosis is implemented, and fault reference is provided. The result of the NN method is more accurate than the Tree and Random Forest method, with CA and AUC values 0.800 and 0.913. This classification approach is expected to help fault diagnostics in power transformers


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    The Ngeni Village community is a productive economic community with various sources of income. However, in this village, there are still fundamental problems. The main problem is accessing clean water and the lack of public street lighting. Two aspects of the problem in the community service activities have been carried out. The first aspect is about access to clean water, and this activity was implemented in 2020. The second aspect is the lack of public street lighting on the streets of Ngeni Village. Therefore, the service team has implemented appropriate science and technology to be utilized by the community, namely making solar street lighting. The purpose of this service activity is to build solar-powered public street lighting and provide ICT technology skills training so that people can be skilled in using ICT technology for their daily needs. The transfer of appropriate technology knowledge given to the community is hoped that the community can make their solar street lighting independently and can carry out maintenance independently in the future. The method applied in this activity is the Quantitative Method Approach, which emphasizes the in-depth understanding of a problem and is assisted by in-depth analysis techniques. The result of this activity is that 87 people attended the training well, and 20 expert teams succeeded and are skilled in advanced training by utilizing ICT technology as an alternative to solar-powered street lighting (PJU) at night. --- Masyarakat Desa Ngeni adalah masyarakat ekonomi produktif dengan berbagai sumber pendapatan yang dicapai. Akan tetapi, di Desa ini masih terdapat permasalahan yang mendasar. Masalah utamanya adalah sulitnya akses air bersih dan minimnya penerangan jalan umum. Terdapat dua aspek permasalahan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan. Aspek pertama adalah tentang akses air bersih dan kegiatan ini telah di implementasikan pada 2020. Aspek kedua adalah minimnya penerangan jalan umum di jalan-jalan Desa Ngeni. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdi telah menerapkan IPTEK yang tepat guna sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat dengan maksimal, yakni membuat penerangan jalan umum tenaga surya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah melakukan pembangunan penerangan jalan umum bertenaga surya serta memberikan pelatihan keterampilan teknologi ICT sehingga masyarakat dapat terampil dalam pemanfaatan teknologi ICT untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Transfer ilmu teknologi tepat guna yang diberikan ke masyarakat harapannya agar masyarakat dapat membuat penerangan jalan umum tenaga surya sendiri secara swadaya dan dapat melakukan maintenance secara mandiri di masa depan. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Pendekatan Metode Kuantitatif dengan menekankan pada aspek pemahaman secara mendalam terhadap suatu masalah yang dibantu dengan teknik analisis mendalam (in-depth analysis). Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah sejumlah 87 msyarakat mengikuti pelatihan dengan baik dan 20 tim ahli telah berhasil dan terampil dalam pelatihan lanjutan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi ICT sebagai alternatif penerangan jalan umum (PJU) bertenaga surya pada malam hari